Friday 28 January 2011


Here is a profile video my friend Micheal Campbell made about me & my garage.

Ive known Campbell since my first year of college which was nearly 7 years ago, its crazy
to think its been that long, hes currently at AUCB doing a BA Honours in Digital Media
Production & hes the only person I'd trust to film me as I'm a filmer myself & you know,
things have got to be just right, I'm dead happy with what he created & hopefully me &
him will work on some more stuff in the future.

Air Traffic

24 hours of world air traffic, mental!

Hip Hop History

French beatboxer EKLIPS.

Rain Shirt

I bought something similar to this a few weeks ago made by quicksilver.
My brother picked it up in a shop & i just thought it was a normal button
up shirt then i touched it & it had a waterproof outer layer, its so good for
riding & folds up small enough to fit in a pocket in my bag, so that's where
it lives now.
This is The Rain Shirt from outlier.

Supermarine Rain ShirtSupermarine Rain ShirtSupermarine Rain Shirt

Monday 24 January 2011

Last Minutes With Oden

Last Minutes With Oden is a video i posted hear about a year ago when it was
first uploaded to vimeo & finally it has got itself the recognition it so thouroughly
deserves by winning the vimeo film award for best video & best documentary.
If this video does not make you cry then you have no soul. Words can't describe
this video, it completely restores your faith in humanity & shows you that life
& love is so precious whether it be a person or an animal. Its just wonderful.
Ive got a dog & as much as hes naughty & winds me up i couldn't imagine not
having him around.


I recently purchased a GoPro camera & have been filming with it
whenever i go out riding. Its a realy good camera, hopefully i will
get some more riding videos with it soon.
All filmed at Lordswood, Verwood & Puddletown Forest.
Music: Justice - Let There Be Light (Demo)

Sunday 23 January 2011

NY Timelapse

This is a wonderful timelapse of New York City By Josh Owens.
Shot using a Canon 5D Mark II with 14mm 2.8L, 24mm 1.4L,
50mm 1.2L, and 70-200 2.8L and a dynamic perception timelapse

Travis Collier & Josh Bedford

Travis Collier talking about the spots he rides & what they
mean to riders such as himself. By Mike McKinlay.

Meet Josh Bedford. Josh is a colourful character & one hell
of a street rider from Sheffield.

Friday 21 January 2011

Finally took some photos


I haven't taken any photos in such a long time, i finally managed to get out on my bike early
yesterday morning in the ice & the frost to get some self portraits & some nice snaps down
by the river which is such a beautiful place on a day like it was.
To view more of the photos & view them larger go to my Flickr Photostream.











My Bikes

If you look to the right of my blog under navigate you may notice a new page.
Its a new page showing the bikes that i build & own.
Im working on a new bike at the moment which might take a while to get done
but im looking forward to it as im making a timelapse video of the full build &
it won't be your average bike, hopefully it won't be too much of a Frankenstein
bike though.




Thursday 20 January 2011

Tuesday 18 January 2011

7 Films

7 Films worth seeing this year.

Jesus Christ this looks so good, i don't care if you're sick to death
of films about alien takeovers & the end of the world, its got jack
shit to do with that its to do with great film making.
This looks visually intense.
Also if anyone knows what the song is off the first trailer please
leave a comment.

From director Stevan Mena who has spat up some awful horror
films in the past has finally either been given a budget or a slap.
Either way this film looks pretty spine tingling from the trailer
alone, set in 1989 in rural Pennsylvania it sets the scene for an
epic all American horror.

I heard a massive rumor about this film a while back & thought
it was all toffee, but it seems Angels & Airwaves have gone all out
to score a movie just like Daft Punk with Tron Legacy. This film
looks like an in depth documentary version of the film Moon but
in the present.

Because you'll get to see Hillary Swank having a bath & get chased
around a big house, simple as that realy.

The only man in the world who can bend coins with his finger &
hammer a nail through a license plate with his hand, if you don't
go to see this for the main storyline at least go watch it for that.

A remake of one of the best western movies of all time starring
Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon & Josh Brolin & directed by Joel &
Ethan Coen, it can't go wrong realy.

If you haven't seen it yet you're either dead or blind.

True Grit

Ive already posted about this film but will more than likely proceed to
bang on about it until ive seen it.
Im excited about it for one reason, that is, Josh Brolin, enough said.

True Grit Trailers.

Here is the movie posters released for the film, which are very in keeping
with the films style. I have already ordered one for myself.

Cats In Zero Gravity

Proving why Science is awesome.

Monday 17 January 2011

TOLA & Hill Bombs

Check out this for some hill bombing.
Watch till the end he nearly has a nasty crash.

& this is a short video with Sean Martin from Taking Over LA arguing
that LA is not such a cycling friendly place.

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Sunday 16 January 2011

'i won't wear a helmet it makes me look stupid'

As a kid i always thought helmets weren't cool. I used to ride round
the corner past my front window with mine on & then hide it in a
bush at the end of my road.
I haven't always worn a helmet whilst riding over the past 12 or so
years but more recently i wouldn't be seen on a bike without one.
I have invested about £120 this year on helmets for downhill racing,
bmx & road riding & I'm more than glad that i have.
I think too many people brush it off & come up with excuses to not
wear one until something happens to them or someone they know &
that's exactly the same in my case, a guy i know recently had a realy
bad accident on his bike without a helmet on & is luckily now ok after
weeks in hospital followed by months of operations but it could have
been so much worse & i think about that possibility every time i get on
my bike.
But what i don't get i why a lot of helmets are so expensive?
Companies should make & offer much cheaper helmets. It should be
something that is more heavily enforced in this country & around the
world, like seat belts in cars.

Anyway, here is some hard hitting advertisements that where launched
in asia of summer 2010.

"Every year OVER 11,000 PEOPLE DIE on our roads and 30,000
are seriously INJURED. That means THOUSANDS OF FAMILIES
left PICKING UP THE PIECES. Families tortured by the LOSS OF
A LOVED ONE. Crippled by REDUCED INCOME of the sudden
need to care for a relative with PERMANENT BRAIN DAMAGE.
The sad truth is that 40% of these cases could have been
PREVENTED by simply wearing a HELMET. When you think
about it, there are NO EXCUSES."

Asia Injury Prevention AdAsia Injury Prevention AdAsia Injury Prevention Ad

And here is the tv spot from the Asia Injury Prevention Foundation.

Saturday 15 January 2011

38 Degrees

Everyone needs to go & sign this petition.

"The government is planning a massive sell off of our national
forests. They could be auctioned and fenced off, run down, logged
or turned into golf courses and holiday villages.

We can't let that happen. We need to stop these plans. National
treasures like the The Forest of Dean, Sherwood Forest and The
New Forest could be sold off. Once they are gone, they will be
lost forever.

A huge petition will force the government to rethink its plans.
If we can prove how strongly the public are against this, they
will have to back down. Please sign the petition now."