Sunday, 31 May 2009
Camera is dead
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Thursday, 28 May 2009
On the daily
its 4th from the bottom, its cool to think that someone will look at your work & draw inspiration from it, good feeling.
Thanks abduzeedo!!!
13 Things i forgot
Fresh threads
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Bad times - Good vids
Need to share
Old but still relevant
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
3 things
Mr Fox
Monday, 25 May 2009
Knowlton Church
Smoke & Flowers
Death of the original?

- costs £230
- takes SD & SDHC cards
- capable image size of 3072x2304 Pixels
- 3-inch LCD
- 18 shooting modes
- movie mode
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Found Stuff
My internets been down for 2 days now, this has got to me due to being awake for the majority of the weekend & having no access to anything on the world wide web.
So ive had to resort to reading magazines, found some unbelievably cool stuff though
Like this lego MP3 player
These Cancer research charity T-shirts
& these Amazing vases by Pierre Blanc
I realy like moving pictures
I watched Garden State for the first time last night, its written & directed by & stars Zach Braff from Scrubs, its a very odd film, one of those films i guess he has wanted to make for himself but hasn't sacrificed it to make it for anyone elses needs or make it more commercial, its a cross between Napoleon Dynamite (Jon Heder) & Fear X (John Turturro), its got the quick scene ends & identical humour as Napoleon Dynamite but the slow & easily distracted story-line of Fear X whilst still following a story of some sort. Everyone told me it would be hilarious, its wasn't that at all, just very subtle comedy slipped into the start of pretty much every scene, it probably has the funniest scene have ever seen in a film (bar the milkshake scene in there will be blood) but it lasts about 3 seconds & it was the only bit that realy made me laugh. The soundtracks pretty awesome too but i guess thats because Zach Braff has a great taste in music.
Next on my films to watch list are:
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Bang On
May Design
I used a pretty basic font & chose one colour & made the camera icon using just basic shapes & some paths, wanted to keep the whole logo simple but bright & bold.
These 3 are for different DJ's from Bournemouth, i photograph them most months at different events, all great DJ's & especially Jody's (Mr White) mixtapes keep me going whilst im designing, you can download his most recent mixtape
if you click here
i enjoyed it alot.
Broke DJ's - In this logo i used some custom brushes & blending modes after tweaking them for a while i got what i wanted & im pretty happy with the colour scheme.
Mr White - I made the typeface for this from scratch & hopefully the final font will be finished soon, again custom blending modes for the blue gradient & then the pattern which is not hugely visible was made from brushes & some use of filters.
Massi - More custom brushes where used on this then tweaking a pretty common gradient until i liked it.