So here's the first, ive admired this guys work for a long time & all he seems to do is progress immensely within his own style, but i'll let him tell you about himself.
(I was supposed to choose 5 of my favorite photos, but i just couldn't, so here's a ton)
You Can view more of Taylors work here on Flickr.
Name: Taylor McCutchan
Age: 20
Location: Redding, CA, USA

How long have you been photographing?
I got my first camera in the winter of 2006. Started off doing flowers, creeks, longer exposures, started using strobes and doing people around the end of 2008.

what is in your camera bag on a daily basis?
well before today (february 12th) it was my canon 5D, 50mm f/1.4, a polarized filter, extra CF card, ND8 filter and camera mount, alien bee cybersyncs, sync cord, extra cord attachments, random batteries. BUT, just went shopping and got a canon 35mm f/1.4L and canon 45mm f/2.8 TS-E so those just got added in there.

I know that one of your favorite camera/lens combos is your Canon 5D & 50mm 1.4, is there any other favorite combos you have or recommend?
actually that's the only combo I've really used since I've had my 5D. I've borrowed some lenses from some friends but never enough to make a good judgment off of it. The 5D and 50 1.4 is a pretty awesome combo.

Your style is very consistent, do you liking sticking to it or do you try out a lot of different styles?
my style of preference has changed a lot since I've started. When i first got a camera i thought portraits were really boring and just wanted to stick to nature stuff. Then I got more into portraits and natural light with that. One day I found Zac Fishers work, and he introduced me to the world of strobing and photoshop. I was REALLY into that for a while, up until recently actually, when i found Collin Hughes' work. I loved how natural everything was, and how happy everybody looked. Just a great over-all feel to it. Since then, I've loved doing a natural light, naturally posed style of photography. Of course I like trying different styles tho, I think the only way to get better at what you do is to push yourself out of your comfort zone a bit to try to learn something new.

What is the favorite thing you've photographed or best experience you've had with photography?
My best experience with photography over-all I would have to say is the relationships I've built with other people through photography. I have met some AMAZING people and some of my best friends now through taking pictures. Come to think of it, over 3/4 of my friends I hang out with now are people I have met, or grown closer with through photography

What further ambitions do you have as a photographer?
A LOT! I'm not even close to content with where I'm at. I hope to eventually get published in some magazine. I would love to shoot a signed band. I would love to travel with a band and shoot the entire tour. I would love to have a consistent work flow of clients coming in so I can do this for a living. I honestly don't think I will ever be fully content with where I'm at. There's always new mountains to climb.

Finally, where do you find all the beautiful girls to model for you!?!
From under my bed of course. JUST KIDDING!! um... probably through photography. Networking with other people. I met Lauren Through another local photographer named Tricia Davidge. Same with Breana. All of the others I met just because I'm awesome and that's what I do ;)
Thanks Taylor.
Remember to check out more of his work on his Flickr.
*All Images above are Copyright© of Taylor McCutchan, used with permission*
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