I can only describe [RICH] as my favorite serial doodler, his drawings realy show off how vivid his imagination is, hes a very talented illustrator, let him tell you more...
Name: Richard Page
Age: Slightly over half way to dead
Where are you based?: I’m tucked away in a village north of Nottingham.

Pen or Pencil? :
Now that’s a tricky question, I like pencil and I like pen… ...But who would win in a fight? If I had to choose one above the other it’d be pencil as I love shading etc. But then again I love the clean lines you can get with a pen, Sorry I’ll take both. But then there’s the new love of my life, the tattoo gun, but that’s a conversation for another day.
Pen Tablet or Paper?:
Another tricky question. Even though I work on vector stuff all the time I still find the tablet a little disconnected. So for this one I’m going to choose paper, scanned in and a touch of photoshop.

For fun or For Career? :
My doodles are mostly for fun, but for my sins I’m a graphic designer by day so I still get a little drawing action going on.

Favorite object to draw?:
I tend to churn out lots of characters, monsters and animals, I usually start a picture without a clue of where it’s going to end up, but always begin by slapping down a few circles and see where they take me.

When did you first get into drawing? :
I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember. Mr Men books, Marvel/DC comics and then graffiti, I left school and landed a job in design, the rest they say is history.

You are pretty passionate about your work, have you always been that way? :
About a year and a half ago I ended up in hospital with arthritis and was told that I could no longer run (up until that point I was putting in 250-300 miles a month) So I needed something else to fill in my spare time. I got a new moleskine pad and have become completely obsessed with drawing again.

You draw a lot, do you set aside time specifically to draw or do you have your sketchbook on you all the time?:
I don’t really set aside a specific time to draw; I’ve always got a pen/pencil and something to draw on with me at most times of the day (I wish I could do it in the car during my 2 hour commute). I try and draw something other than skulls everyday, so sit with my sketchpad and listen to the TV and scribble.

What are your main influences or inspiration for your drawings?:
I’d say Disney, Marvel/DC and street art have been my biggest influences. But my inspiration now comes from friends and family. The Internet has a lot to answer for. Over the last year I have met and chatted to some of the best artists from around the globe via Twitter and Flickr. A few of the usual suspects that’d I’d highly recommend checking out are:
Jonathon Edwards
Felt Mistress

What do you get up to when you're not drawing?:
Driving, working and sleeping, sometimes more than one of these at the same time. Oh, I love tattooing, painting, photography and sculpting when I get the time.

You've recently started a skull a day project much like the 365 photography projects, how did this come about & how long do you think you will do it for?
In the past I’ve attempted 365 projects but failed, a friend over on flickr Dracorubi had done a 365 project for the year and I realized how much I enjoyed knowing that I’d be seeing a different image everyday from the same artist, which got me thinking I should have another go at it.
I’ve always liked skulls and thought that I’d be able to draw one a day without hassle, so I approached Agent C over at the original Skull-a-day blog to let him know I was going to attempt it. The feedback was positive and now I’m already on skull number 52 – only another 313 to go. As well doing a daily skull I’ve also set up a cheeky skull based Flickr group SkullNation, All skulls are welcome.

Where can we see more of your work?:
If you fancy a look at my doodle pop over to:
or my Flickr

Finally, how can people contact you if they'd like to commission you to draw something for them or their brand?:
They can contact me through Flickr or the Umetoys website via Gmail. If anyone fancies reading about my amazing day-to-day as an international playboy artist follow me up on twitter:

*All images above are Copyright© of Richard Page, used with permission*
A great & lovely fellow - even if a little sick in the head :)