Head over to the Creative Side blog to see some awesome Liquid Art.
Also take a look at Iain Crawford's Photography, he has a series of liquid images & if you want some inspiration for lighting be sure to check out his 'body' project. He has an insane client list which includes, Max Factor, M&S, Virgin Atlantic, The Independent, The Guardian & The Observer.
Skeg clothing is a company i stumbled across a while ago but have just thrown up an interview with 17 year old owner Jahl Herapath.
This morning i found some promotional codes for Uk based Clothing company TeeTonic. If you go to their site a grab a few tees be sure to punch in "credit crunch" when you order to get 50% off!
Also they have a ton of cool desktop wallpapers for free download.
Skwak is one of my favorite designers with his colourful characters, hes just dropped some new tees for Kid Robot & Owl Movement.
Its all Bike related today.
Industrial Designer Peter Dudas has come up with this monstrosity of a bike.
'Made to be above all minimal' realy?

Bottle Topping Biking Clipping By Designer Matthias Ries

Resource Revival is a very interesting project.
This is what they have to say about themselves "We create fun, functional products from recycled bicycle parts. We collect tons of discarded bicycle parts every year from bike shops all over the United States. Then our team of artists tinkers with them until new products are born. We call this Resource Revival!"
Their products include Bowls

3 films you must see before you leave this earth.
There will be Blood - Based upon the 1927 Upton Sinclair novel 'Oil'. Daniel Day-Lewis & Paul Dano are outstanding & the scoring by Jonny Greenwood still excites me.
Moon - The film was written for Sam Rockwell & i think that payed off, i hate sci-fi movies but Sam Rockwell is one of my favorite actors & film making this good cannot be missed.
No Country For Old Men - The Coen brother did a realy good job turning this Cormac McCarthy novel into a masterpeice, with a cast including Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin & Woody Harrelson i didn't expect it to be anything less than amazing.
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